25 years of training


Conscious and in control


Paul Hernandez

Some time ago, a student who has been using the method for many years told us about the Out of Body Experience she had that night. After her story, I felt and thought: "That's it. With this, all the work I've done has been worth it." However, this feeling has been repeated many times when seeing how students really manage to generate structural changes in their lives as a result of this wonderful path that is the activation of conscious and controlled Out of Body Experiences.

I have dedicated my life to studying them. I began to experience them from a very early age, in childhood. And from adolescence onwards I began to pay special attention to them, seeking to understand from within them the why, the how, the when... what made them possible, what variables were involved and how to recreate them to generate these experiences that could be applied to other people.

As the years went by, I saw that my studies in computer systems administration and drafting were actually helping me to methodically structure my research. On the computer side, I looked at, among other things, the connections between variables that a priori do not seem to have them but do have them (and a lot); and on the drafting side, I looked closely at all the details from all possible angles and perspectives. And in this way, by studying, observing and analyzing experiences from within and from without, I gradually developed what became a structured methodology.

At the same time, I had the opportunity to explore this type of experience for several years from the worldview of Mesoamerican Nahualism and subsequently for several more years from the Taoist worldview.

During these exploration and learning processes, I was able to access a multitude of spaces within the Out of Body Experiences. Both dense and inharmonious, as well as spaces where Love surpasses any concept we may have of it from the physical plane. Transiting between these spaces has helped me to know first-hand the opposite poles of these experiences and how to then walk in a stable, fluid and controlled way, towards spaces of light. Honestly, I could not teach this path without having known its faces.

At one point someone told me: "You have to teach this to the world." And so I slowly began to teach the ACCES Method.®, starting training 25 years ago.

One of the most beautiful phrases I have read from the Participants' comments After the courses, there is one from a student named Débora who says:

"Since I returned from the course, less than two months ago, I have had seven conscious, controlled and fairly long OBEs. It's like the door has opened, the cores have charged, the clouds have cleared and now I am one of those who count instead of just reading."

What do you want to do?

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